How to Burp a Newborn: The Comprehensive Guide!


Hey there, fellow parents! Today, I want to talk about a topic that takes us back to the early days of parenthood: burping our little bundles of joy. When my twin daughters, Dhee and Dhriti, arrived in this world, I realized that how to burp a newborn was an essential skill every parent should master. It’s not an easy task at first, but with a little practice and some humorous mishaps along the way, we can conquer the art of burping together.

Picture this: a sleep-deprived dad, holding his fragile newborn in his arms, cluelessly patting her back. That was me in the beginning. Burping seemed like an impossible mission, and my lack of experience made it even more challenging. I often found myself wondering if I was doing it right, or if I was just going to wake up the entire neighborhood with my futile attempts.

They say practice makes perfect, and it couldn’t be truer when it comes to burping. As days turned into weeks, I began to understand the rhythm and technique required to help my little ones release those trapped air bubbles. Gentle pats on their back or soft circular motions became my secret weapons. Gradually, I became more confident in my burping skills, and the task didn’t seem as daunting anymore.

So, let’s dive in and understand the art of burping your baby!

The Importance of Burping a Newborn

Newborns have immature digestive systems that are still learning how to process food efficiently. As they feed, they swallow air which becomes trapped in their tiny stomachs leading to discomfort and bloating.

This is where burping comes in; by gently patting or rubbing your baby’s back, you help release the trapped air allowing them to breathe easier and feel more comfortable. But the benefits of burping go beyond just immediate relief for your baby.

Failure to burp can also lead to colic, acid reflux or even vomiting. This can cause tears for both parents and babies alike as nobody wants their little one in distress, surely not me.

Common Misconceptions about Burping

One common misconception surrounding burping is that it’s unnecessary if your baby seems content after feeding. But don’t be fooled by appearances!

Infants have small digestive systems which means that even a small amount of trapped gas can cause major discomfort regardless of whether they seem happy or not. Another widely held myth is that only bottle-fed babies need to be burped since they swallow more air while feeding.

While it’s true that bottle-fed babies may require more frequent burps because bottle nipples allow more air into the mouth than breastfeeding does – breastfed babies also need regular breaks during feedings for gas relief. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to how often you should be burping your newborn; every child is different. In my case, Dhee and Dhriti had different requirements for a burp and the methods too varied – even though they are of the same age.

In general, you should burp your infant midway through, and at the end of each feeding, but don’t be afraid to experiment to find a routine that works best for your baby. Burping is crucial for a happy and healthy baby.

Not only does it provide immediate comfort by releasing trapped air but it also helps prevent more serious health problems down the line. So next time you’re tempted to skip this important step in your feeding routine, think again – your little one will thank you for it.

Understanding the Digestive System of Newborns

The Mysterious Digestive System?

The digestive system is one of the most mysterious aspects of newborns. Not because we haven’t studied about it in our biology class, but because we can’t exactly ask them how they’re feeling or what’s bothering them when they have pain or discomfort. As a result, it’s up to us as caretakers and parents to figure out how their digestive system works and what we can do to make it function as smoothly as possible.

How the Digestive System Works in Newborns

In newborns, the digestive system is still developing and has not completely matured yet. The gut is particularly sensitive to stimuli such as gas, which can cause discomfort and pain in your little one.

Young infants also tend to swallow more air while feeding than adults do, increasing their need for burping. The digestive process begins with food entering the mouth and being broken down by enzymes.

This mixture then travels through the esophagus into the stomach where it is further broken down by stomach acid. This mixture enters into the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed into the blood circulation.

Why Burping Is Necessary for Newborns

Because a newborn’s digestive system is not yet fully developed, burping becomes an important part of helping your baby digest milk properly. When your little one drinks milk, some air gets trapped inside their stomach along with it.

This air needs to be released so that there isn’t excessive pressure on their tiny tummies. If left un-burped, trapped air in a baby’s tummy can lead to colic symptoms such as excessive crying due to gas or indigestion discomfort.

In severe cases, it may even cause vomiting or spitting up after meals – something that no parent wants to deal with! That’s why learning how to burp your baby correctly is so important for their digestive health and overall comfort.

Signs That Your Newborn Needs to Be Burped

Common signs that your baby needs to be burped

As a new parent, it is essential to understand the common signs that your newborn needs to be burped. Firstly, if the baby starts fussing or squirming during feeding, this may indicate that they need to release gas.

Secondly, if your baby often pulls away from the breast or bottle and cries during feeding, this may also suggest they have swallowed too much air. If your child frequently hiccups after a feed, this can be another indicator.

If you ignore these signs and do not take action to burp them promptly , it can lead to discomfort for your little one. This can even cause digestive problems like colic and reflux.

So it’s better not to wait for any of these symptoms . Instead , one should always keep an eye out for these warning signals.

Different ways to recognize when your baby needs to be burped

Apart from the common signs mentioned above, there are several physical cues you can look out for while feeding your newborn. Firstly, you may notice that their breathing becomes rapid during feeding. This may happen because air is trapped in their stomach and puts pressure on their diaphragm.

Another way to recognize when your baby needs burping is by gently feeling their tummy. If it feels distended or bloated after a feed , then most probably the child is gassy and requires immediate attention.

Some newborns might exhibit spitting up milk after feeding which might indicate gas build up that has not been released through burps. Overall , as a parent being observant during a feed and keeping an eye out for frequent signs can help relieve discomfort experienced by babies due excessive build up of gas in stomach.

Techniques for Burping a Newborn

Burping your newborn can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several techniques you can use to burp your baby effectively. In this section, we’ll explore three of the most popular techniques: the over-the-shoulder method, the sitting method, and the lying down method.

The Over-the-Shoulder Method

The over-the-shoulder method is perhaps the most popular technique for burping newborns. To use this technique, hold your baby with one hand supporting their chest and head and the other hand supporting their bottom.

A father is holding a baby from the back view in order to burp the baby using the over the shoulder for teaching how to burp a newborn

Place your baby’s chin on your shoulder and gently pat or rub their back until they burp. Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

  1. Hold your baby facing outward with one hand supporting their chest and head.
  2. Use your other hand to support their bottom.
  3. Bring them up to your shoulder so that their chin is resting on it.
  4. Pat or rub gently on their back in an upward motion until you hear a burp.

This was generally my preferred way, as I could also roam around with them – and I like doing that.

The Sitting Method

The sitting method involves sitting your baby upright on your lap while supporting them with one hand and using the other hand to pat or rub their back until they burp. Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

  1. Sit down and place a cloth or towel over one of your legs.
  2. Hold your baby upright with one arm around their chest and head while using the other arm to support their bottom. The baby is facing away from you.
  3. Lean them forward slightly so that they are sitting in an upright position.
  4. Pat or rub gently on their back in an upward motion until you hear a burp.

Sorry, I don’t have a picture for this but I found good ones on NHS.

The Lying Down Method

The lying down method involves laying your baby on his/her stomach across your lap while gently patting or rubbing their back. Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

  1. Place a pillow on your lap and lay your baby on top of it, facing down.
  2. Support their head with one hand and their bottom with the other.
  3. Pat or rub gently on their back in an upward motion until you hear a burp.

Again, I don’t have a picture, but you can use YouTube to learn more on these methods.

Try out these three popular techniques and see which one works best for you and your baby. Remember, every baby is different, so don’t be afraid to experiment with other positions and methods until you find the one that works best for both of you.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Burping

Patting Techniques and Rhythms

Many new parents make the mistake of simply patting their baby’s back until they burp. But effective burping requires more than just mindless patting. The key is to establish a rhythm that mimics the motion of the baby’s digestive system.

Start by placing your hand in the middle of your baby’s back and applying gentle pressure. Then use a light patting motion, gradually increasing the force as needed to encourage a burp.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to patting, there are a few techniques that tend to be more effective. For example, try using a circular motion with your hand while patting, or switch up the rhythm from fast to slow to keep things interesting for your little one. I sometimes would use the rhythm of popular songs or the rhymes that I kept playing on the speaker. I don’t know if Dhee and Dhriti liked it, but I sure did. 😀

Again, every baby is different so it may take time to find what works best for yours. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a few tries before you find the right technique – you’ll get there eventually!

Timing is Everything: Timing Your Burps with Feedings

Timing your burps with feedings is an often-overlooked but crucial aspect of effective burping. Not only does it help prevent discomfort and gas from building up, but it can also help regulate your baby’s feeding schedule and promote healthy digestion overall.

A good rule of thumb is to pause and burp your baby after every ounce or two of formula, or every five minutes if breastfeeding. This will help ensure that trapped gas is released before it has a chance to cause discomfort or disrupt feeding.

Keep in mind that some babies may need more frequent burping than others. If you notice your baby seems fussy or uncomfortable during feedings, try pausing more frequently to release trapped gas.

Keep a Napkin: This tip can Save your Shirt!

Ah, the inevitable spit-up story! Just when I thought I had mastered the art of burping, little Dhee proved me wrong one fine evening. I had just finished feeding her and was about to bask in my newfound burping expertise. But lo and behold, Dhee decided to surprise me with a fountain of milky goodness! It was a classic “right place, wrong time” situation.

Dhee’s spit-up episode taught me an important lesson: always be prepared! Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or a loving caregiver, keep a trusty napkin or burp cloth close by at all times. It’ll save you from countless shirt changes and ensure that you’re not caught off guard when your little one decides to create a “burping masterpiece.”

Special Considerations

Premature Babies and Special Needs Infants

Burping a premature baby or one with special needs can be challenging. These babies tend to have underdeveloped digestive systems, which means they may need more time to digest their food.

As a result, their stomachs may be more sensitive to pressure from gas buildup. While the standard burping techniques may work for some premature and special needs infants, others require gentle alternatives such as rubbing or massaging their backs instead of patting them.

I strongly suggest that parents of premature or special needs infants discuss the appropriate burping techniques with their pediatrician. They can provide tips on how to safely and effectively burp your baby without causing any harm.

Babies Who Fall Asleep During Feedings

Some parents assume that if their baby falls asleep during feedings, they do not need to be burped. However, this is a dangerous misconception.

Babies who fall asleep during feedings may not have expelled all the air they have swallowed, which can lead to discomfort or even vomiting and spitting-up later on. As someone who has seen this happen multiple times, I would advise you to always make an attempt to burp their babies after feedings regardless of whether they are awake or asleep. You may use any of the techniques that I stated above.

For instance, Dhriti would regularly fall asleep, while feeding. But we would make sure that we burp her – the lying down method was really useful here.


Burping a newborn may seem like a challenging task in the beginning, but trust me when I say it gets easier with practice. Embrace the learning curve and remember that every baby is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. Keep a napkin handy, wear a sense of humor, and soon you’ll become a burping maestro!

As parents, we’re on a constant journey of discovery and growth. Through our shared experiences, we can navigate the trials and tribulations of parenthood. So, let’s continue supporting each other, sharing our stories, and embracing the joyous chaos that comes with raising our little miracles. Happy burping, my fellow parents!

With Love,


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